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Conference venue

The main conference will take place in Building H, which is located at the Schwarzenberg Campus of the Technical University of Hamburg. Check this campus map to find your way around. The PhD workshop and the CIYA workshop will take place at the Digital Hub Logistics Hamburg, where also the Welcome reception - see below - will be held.

Welcome reception

We welcome you at the Digital Hub Logistics Hamburg, which is part of the De:hub Initiative, an innovative network build by the Federal Ministry of Economics Affairs and Energy. The network which brings together medium-sized companies and corporates with new innovation partners from science and industry at twelve competence centers in Germany.

Boat trip

Conference dinner

The conference dinner will be held at StrandPauli, a beach club at the city centre of Hamburg situated at the Elbe river. There is a possibility to go to the conference dinner by boat, starting at Hamburg-Harburg around 17:30.

PhD Workshop

PhD students attending the conference can attend the 24th CINet PhD Workshop for free.

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Young Academics Workshop

CIYA will organize their 15th young academics workshop on the Sunday afternoon preceding the conference.

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