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Privacy policy

Safeguarding your privacy is very important to us. The Continuous Innovation Network (CINet) is committed to compliance with the new European General Data Protection Regulation and fair and transparent use of data.

What is personal data?

Personal data is the information that identifies you, such as your name, address, email or postal address, job title and affiliation.

What is it used for?

CINet uses the personal data acquired for the sole purposes of its normal business operations. CINet respects the personal data of members and participants at our events and does not sell, rent, loan, trade or otherwise transfer any personal data to any third party. We do not request personal data from you, other than the data we need to process an application for membership, submissions to and registrations for our events, and issue invoices.

We will use your personal data to inform you about our events, unless you have notified us that you do not to wish to receive such information.

Other than in instances of common use, such as displaying your name, affiliation and job title in our membership list, event delegate lists, and event programs, CINet will not make public or share any of your details.

The CINet Members Area

It is not allowed to share membership details provided in the Members Area part of the CINet website. We recognize the importance of data privacy regulations and reserves the right to withdraw membership services from those who misuse the information in the Members Area section.

How to "know" and opt out?

You have the right to know what data CINet holds about you, which will be provided on request by the CINet secretariat. You have the right to rectify incorrect information that we hold about you, and you have the “right to be forgotten”. 

Navigation data

Some personal data are implicitly acquired as a result of the use of internet communication protocols during normal use of this site. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who visit, the method used when submitting the request to the server, and other parameters relating to the users’ operating system and IT environment. These data are only used anonymously, for statistical purposes relating to use of the site.

Use of cookies

None of the users' personal data are intentionally acquired by the CINet website. No cookies are used to transmit personal information and no form of persistent cookies or user tracking systems are used.


CINet reserves the right to change any of the terms of this privacy policy at any time and without notice. We therefore recommend that you review this privacy policy from time to time.

25th CINet Conference

15-17 September 2024
Hamburg, Germany  

Conference website

24th PhD Workshop

13-17 September 2024
Hamburg, Germany  

PhD Workshop website

15th CIYA Workshop

15 September 2024
Hamburg, Germany  

CIYA Workshop website
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20th CINet PhD Seminar

7-11 April 2025
Pisa, Italy

PhD Seminar website