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Organization and management

The aim of the CINet is to stimulate and facilitate interaction and collaboration between its members and between the network and its external stakeholders. In organizing and managing the network a continuous but dynamic balance is sought between self-organization and centralization, between co-incidence and control, between flexibility and institutionalization.

A strong culture is the key to the success of the CINet. Formal positions and arrangements are kept to a minimum.


It is essential that current and new members of the CINet subscribe to the research vision of the network. On an operational level, members of the network should support a welcoming and pleasant culture in which it is a 'routine':

  • To exchange publications.
  • To disseminate the results of research projects.
  • To invite colleagues to participate in projects and publications.
  • To ask for peer reviews of published work, working papers, projects in preparation or underway.
  • To invite colleagues to visit in person or to host visits of students to pursue projects, publications or study tours.


CINet does not organize or manage (in any sense) local/national projects. It is hoped that a culture along the lines sketched above is enough to provide an environment in which interaction and collaboration will flourish. However, there are a few network activities that need active co-ordination including:

  • The CINet conferences, seminars and workshops.
  • Network development and funding.
  • The Annual General Meeting.

A small board, elected by the membership and supported by the Executive Secretary, is responsible for these activities.


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20th Harry Boer PhD Seminar

7-11 April 2025
Pisa, Italy

PhD Seminar website
26th CINet Conference

7-9 September 2025
Lucerne, Switzerland  

More information

25th PhD Workshop

5-9 September 2025
Lucerne, Switzerland 

More information will follow soon

16th CIYA Workshop

7 September 2025
Lucerne, Germany 

More information will follow soon