CINet brings together academics and practitioners from all over the world by organizing a range of annual events and organizing and promoting research collaboration between our members.
Aimed at bringing together academics and practitioners from all over the world, CINet organizes:
- The annual CINet conference. The conference always takes place in September, somewhere in Europe.
- The Paper Development Workshop, taking place a couple of weeks after the CINet conference, aimed at helping the conference participants who have been invited to develop their conference paper into a full paper for possible inclusion in the CINet conference special of our home journal, Creativity and Innovation Management.
Targeted at our PhD students, CINet organizes:
- The PhD workshop, a two-day event on the Friday and Saturday before the CINet conference in September every year. At the workshop, shaped as a mini-conference, first-time, and second-time participants present their research designs and early results in one-hour slots for discussion and feedback from their peers and senior faculty.
- The Harry Boer PhD seminar, a one-week event taking place in April every year. Entitled “Researching continuous innovation – getting in, getting through and getting (it) out”, this unique seminar aims at introducing early-stage PhD students to their PhD journey from start to finish. The seminar offers a mixture of lectures by the seminar faculty and break-out sessions in which the students work with their peers and the faculty seminar to discuss and improve their research designs.
Aimed at early career scholars:
Together with our home journal, Creativity and Innovation Management (CIM), CINet organizes:
- The annual CIM/CINet Reviewing Seminar. The Reviewing Seminar is open to PhD students, early career academics, and senior scholars who wish to hone their reviewing skills guided by a faculty consisting of the CIM editors, associate editors, and the journal’s best reviewers.