11 September 2022, 13:30-17:00, Pisa, Italy
Lego? Are you serious?!? Workshop designs for innovative scholar-practitioner collaboration
The young academics workshop is organized by CIYA (Continuous Innovation Young Academics) and is conceived as a way to support the career development of young scholars in the field of continuous innovation by teaching and sharing with them major skills needed in an academic career.
The 2022 CINet Young Academics (CIYA) workshop is targeted at young academics such as assistant professors, post-doc researchers and PhD students in the last year of their studies, interested in strengthening their skills to design, program and manage a research program with high impact on multiple dimensions and maximizing the likelihood of being funded by public or private institutions, or companies.
In the first years of their academic life, scholars are often called to change the way their research life is planned and conducted. During their PhD studies, young scholars acquire skills to design and conduct rigorous and relevant research projects. However, when the stage of their post-doctoral research career life begins, new challenges arise related to:
The theme and program of the 2022 workshop is “Lego? Are you serious?!? Workshop designs for innovative scholar-practitioner collaboration.” The workshop will be hosted and conducted by Sophie Petzolt and Melanie Wiener, who conducted scholar-practitioner collaboration to gather data for their PhDs. They will share their experience – pitfalls, fostering factors, and further insights– with us and present ways how one can benefit the corporate partners but also own research. The setting is interactive, and you will get the possibility to learn and try out tools suitable for innovative scholar-practitioner collaboration. In addition, Prof. Katharina Hölze, former editor in chief and senior advisor of Creativity and Innovation Management Journal, will provide us insights on how to get scholar-practitioner collaboration research published.
PhD students attending the conference can attend the 22nd CINet PhD Workshop for free.
CIYA will organize their 13th young academics workshop on the Sunday afternoon preceding the conference.
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