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2nd CIM/CINet Reviewing Seminar

Reviewing Scientific Articles

Reviewing scientific articles is one of the most important activities for all scholars. You support your peers in developing better publications and, through that, help your scientific community make progress. You help yourself become a better author, by reviewing others’ papers and receiving reviews of your own work.

Reviewing is something that must and can be learned. Creativity and Innovation Management (CIM) and the Continuous Innovation Network (CINet) have taken the initiative to develop a reviewing seminar to help young academics make the first step in their reviewing career.


The seminar is organized as a three-session workshop as follows:

Session 1 – Kick-off – good reviewing practices
  • Introduction – Jennie Björk, Katharina Hölzle
  • Good reviewing practices – Nicolette Lakemond, Tim Schweisfurth and Melanie Wiener
  • Assignment: participants get to review a recent submission to CIM each, as a third reviewer, with one of the faculty as the first reviewer
Session 2 – Workshop
  • Review presentations – feedback from the seminar faculty – discussions
  • Assignment: either a second round review or a review of a new submission
Session 3 – Workshop/wrap-up
  • Review presentations – feedback from the seminar faculty – discussions
  • Wrap-up – summary of lessons learnt, further involvement with CIM and CINet

Date and place

The first session will take place on 20 May, from 13:00-17:00. The second and third session will be scheduled in the fall of 2022. The entire seminar will take place virtual.


CIM and CINet are very happy to have found a great faculty of excellent reviewers and journal editors, namely:

  • Associate Professor Jennie Björk (KTH Royal Institue of Technology, Sweden)
  • Professor Harry Boer (Aalborg University, Denmark)
  • Associate Professor Fausto Di Vincenzo, (University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy)
  • Professor René Chester Goduscheit (Aarhus University, Denmark)
  • Professor Katharina Hölzle (University of Potsdam, Germany)
  • Professor Nicolette Lakemond (University of Linköping, Sweden)
  • Professor Luisa Pellegrini (University of Pisa, Italy)
  • Associate Professor Tim Schweisfurth (University of Twente, Netherlands)
  • Postdoctoral researcher Melanie Wiener (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria)


The seminar is open to young scholars (PhD students, postdocs, early career assistant professors), working in the fields of creativity, innovation management and related areas. There is a maximum of 16 participants, participation is free of charge.


PhD students who can use the seminar as part of their studies may apply for an additional certificate by enrolling in a course on Reviewing Scientific Articles organized by the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (Associate Professor Jennie Björk), which issues 3 ECTS.


Send your application by e-mail to Mrs. Jeannette-Visser-Groeneveld not later than May 9. The application should include your curriculum vitae, with details on your:

  • Areas of research and teaching.
  • Five most important publications during the last five years.
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